Saturday, October 3, 2009

good messages i use from the bible

Hey it's Dan... 

 I wanted to avoid having my own mission statement with this web page, because I intend for it to basically just be god definitions. However, it obviously starts off strongly sarcastic and appears one-sided.
     As an agnostic, I don't have answers and therefore cannot take any side, which is great!  But in order not to seem ENTIRELY FUCKING IGNORANT etc, I want to make a couple comments on this-- 
     The reason we started the page is because kev and i think making fun of god is hilarious.  It is such a wild concept, god!  Yet it's EVERYWHERE!  Yikes!  We are also tired of greed and abuse, war, other bad shit in this world and want to make a statement about it.  Why don't more people do it, laugh at God, and not mock, restrict, and judge each other?  If there is anyone it should be safe to laugh at, it is the presence, and/or absence of god.  Conveniently my name, Daniel means "god is my judge," which frees my soul a bit, because I realize a lot of what people do when they "Believe" in "God" is "Judge Their Neighbor" (or worse.) Also, defining god: It's just something to fucking think about while driving, or better yet BIKING.   
     To me, it seems a Good Old Laugh At The Almighty could unite living creatures, rather than be an object of argument, rules, deception, a way of gathering money or justifying riches , enacting rituals, judging lifestyles, fuel for violence, prototype of power structure, a living dream world,  etc.  The planet is fucked and full of assholes.  It's fucking true, this world sucks.  I'm having fun though.
   I grew up in the Episcopal Church.  It helped me be a better musician.  It gave me insight into what is hilarious about church.  But Episcopals are generally open minded, god fucking bless them.
IN CONCLUSION, this is all that I need of the bible.  Three wonderful sayings that help me.  NUMBER ONE:  A Gentle Answer Turns Away Wrath.  (This was above a friend's toilet on a little sign, from Psalms. NUMBER TWO: Love thy neighbor as thyself.  (No shit, the golden fucking rule--manually stimulate your neighbor.  NUMBER THREE: Turn the other cheek.  Which is kinda the same as the first one, come to think of it? 

So, I made this strange-ass website cause I think it's really funny, and some of the stuff needs to be said, like how people use god (or the idea of god) to their advantage, and how people could maybe consider light-ning up about god just a fucking little bit, and be kind hearted, or at least not cruel. And maybe use their imaginations a little, rather than being SO FUCKING LITERAL.  We are all playing with ideas.  Say what you will.

Now has become more a collecting and reflecting pond for anything anyone wants to say about what god is (or isn't).  As we move well into the thousands of definitions, it is starting to feel more balanced between believers and sane folks.  It's art, it's a creative experiment.  It is my gift of love, really fucked up love, to the universe.

Thanks for reading this dumb shit and OF COURSE i realize i think about God too much, it's fun, like any hobby!  However, if I say I don't know anything about God, and spend a lot of time thinking about that, it still doesn't mean he exists to me!  Sorry, he's not with me now.  Shrugs.  I must dwell in the land of observation, and am satisfied with questions.  I am happy finding my way alone in this interesting world, which would be a mystery and a miracle -and also despicable -no matter how it came into being.   

Take a joke!  God does!  Help a human!  God doesn't! 


1 comment:

  1. growing up without any religious influence is probably one of the better things that occured with my upbringing since i've been able to pick what i like from any religion i've learned of, and just believe what i want about the world. There were no preconcevied notions or beliefs being crammed into my brain from the time i could think. I grew up interpreting the world from only my own viewpoint, and was left to ponder the big questions in my little mind as it developed; from a 4 year old being confounded by infinity (how do numbers ever end?? they don't!) to a depressive-turned-"cynical optimist" that i would consider myself today.

    if i try to look past all the killing, the cancer and the torture and rape and the horror of wars present and past and the starvation and the abuse and the heartbreak and all the plane crashes, my core feeling about life is that it's rather beautiful. (maybe i say this cuz i'm not having a bad day) i do realize i am one of the very lucky people in this world with parents that have been good to me, a boyfriend that loves me very much, too many pets to count, a decent job that makes me enough money to live my life, and i'm generally good looking :). 'god' (and i at times avoid that term as much as the "n" word) to me is what makes me feel whole, what makes me feel in touch with every other living thing in the world- music, art and nature. nature is the main goddess, with the arts as her muse and means by which to bring joy to humans and some animals alike. mother nature can bring us some of the greatest joys in the world, (for me, snowboarding down a mountain, swimming in the ocean, looking at stars and sunsets, horseback riding and camping and canoeing..etc.etc) the mother earth is feeding great energy into the land and the people, but the part that sucks is that she can kill us all. fast, and without warning. yikes! but i'de rather be sacrificed by the earth than the vicitim of human evil-doings.

    Being a scientist now i have a very hard time believing much about common definitions of 'god' that most people subscribe to and believe in without any logical questions. To a scientific mind, this is all nonsense. The world is a crapshoot, there is no premeditation, just a shit-ton of cells that somehow came into existance on earth which just happened to be the perfect conditions and climate for this phenomenon called "life". We are all products of pure chance, and if we can possibly achieve it, shall enjoy the unpredictable ride.

    Evolution, people.... evolution.

    The big bang is what happened when all the bewildered fools of yesteryear got hit on the head by a meteor, thus loosing all sense of reason and reality for ages to follow.

    ok now what about jesus.....................
